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NPBAND Facebook Page
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
HI Band-its!
Some annoucements to be reiterated..
1) Band fund of $5 is to be collected from year2s and year3s on Thursday.
2) Band practices start at 6pm, not 6.30pm nor 7pm. Please arrive earlier to set up the chairs, stands, do some personal warm ups before Mr Tan takes us for warm ups. If he arrives late, he will inform the committee and we will inform you but you got to be there.
On a brighter side, the band room can be opened if any section needs to use the band room for sectionals, or anyone who wants to practice in school. However if the key holders(usually it's me or darren) is not free, we will try to arrange it again. Thank you!
Please take note there is no practice on MONDAY(2/5/11) as it is a school holiday.
Please pay the $5 band fund to your section leader on thursday if you have not!
Next PRACTICE, Thursday 5/5/11 6pm, same location! :) SEE YOU ALL!
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Hi All,
We have a Facebook page specially created for NP Concert band!! To add us, please search for
"Ngee Ann Polytechnic Concert Band" or click here Ngee Ann Poly Concert Band Facebook to access it.
We hope to see more members adding this facebook page to connect with others, that includes the alumni!:D
Stage Manager
AY 2010-2011
A big thanks to the committee, the band and the year1s for attending the tune-in! :)
Our next band practice will be on 25th April 2011, Monday, 6pm-9.30pm at Block 71, Student Clubs, 02-08.
See you all! =)
Kay Min
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Hello all freshies to NP band who left your particulars at the band booth today! *waves waves*!
NP Band Tune-In 2011, 23th April 2011, 10.30am report at NP Bus Stop(we will fetch you!)
1) Passion of making music! :)
2) You, your smile, your zest, your hypeness! YAYYYYY!
It is a session of fun and laughter! Interaction between you and your seniors, having a section lunch and last but not least, having a combine practice with our dear MR TAN conducting us!
Your seniors/section leader will personally message you/ call you/ drop you an email reminding you about the tune-in! Please also write down the date and time somewhere so it will remind you! Thank you and we will meet during tune-in! :)
Kay Min
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Hi Band-its! This blog post is to inform you all about the cancellation of our CCA Fiesta performance.
There is a lot of reasons behind it but the main reason is miscommunication. Lessons go on as usual and excuse letter will be given only to those people who take part in handling the booth. CCA Fiesta will proceed from 10am - 6pm. Do drop by if you have nothing to do and free! :)
BAND PRACTICE still goes on Monday, 18th April 2011, 6pm at Block 71, Student Clubs!
See you! :)
Kay Min
Friday, 15 April 2011
Hi band-its! I'm here to do an update for CCA Fiesta.
CCA Fiesta will take place from 10-6pm on 18th and 19th April. Those that are involved in the booth and the performance, will be issued an excuse letter for both days.
Location for performance and booth is at
ATRIUM. The booth had been done up by the committee! Do take a look as it is awesome! Performance will be a mini-stage at the staircase area i believe..
Attire for
18th April's performance is Black polo tee/black tee with jeans and covered shoes. If you don't have pure black polo tee/tee, you can wear a tee that is mainly black. For
19th April's performance, attire is any shirt with jeans and covered shoes.
Reporting Time will be 11.30am at the band room. We will need to do warm ups and run through the pieces again. Please be punctual as it is your own responsibility if you are going to perform. It is better to report at atrium than to be late and somemore we need to help the percussion.
PLEASE PUT YOUR SCORES INTO A FILE. We do not know the surroundings of our performance and there might be big fans around us. Therefore, we all don't want technical faults(scores flying to the audience/floor) to happen.
CCA points will be given for this two days performances.
People who did not come for sectionals yesterday and currently do not have the scores, please collect it at the band room on saturday when all of us are doing maintainance and spring cleaning. Thank you!!
Kay Min
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
What's up! This is a post to remind you guys AND girls about the annoucements made just now during band practice.
First of all, our new band room & the Performing Arts Theatre at Seventy3 has very bad acoustics, soundproofing and failed the inspection as well. I doubt we can shift into it any sooner nowadays. So yea, we will still be having our band practices at Block 71.
Second up, Information about CCA Fiesta.
Repertoire will be Lady Gaga Remix and Hawaii-Five-O
Performance on 18th April is at 1pm - 1.30pm.
Performance on 19th April is on 5.30pm - 6pm.
Location is To Be Confirmed by SDAR.
CCA Points will be awarded and of course you can be excused from your lessons at that period of time.
We need to have sectionals for this performance because most of us are still not there yet. It is a performance no matter what.
I will be opening the Band room & the Store room on Thursday evening, 6pm-9pm for us to have sectionals.
16th April 2011, This coming Saturday at 9am to the time we all finished Spring cleaning and maintaining all instruments.
I will be there to open the door as well. The purpose of this day is because we have a lot of instruments that is actually in working condition IF we maintain them. I hope everyone can take this seriously and come back to maintain. This is for the upcoming year1s for tune-in session. If we have more people coming, the faster we will be able to finish up our stuff and go enjoy the rest of our weekends! Start early, end early!
More details will be posted here once we got the news.
Thanks and see you band-its on Thursday evening for sectionals! :)
Kay Min
Stage Manager AY 2011-12
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Hi everyone, there is a slight change. Band practice on 19th April is cancelled. More details of practice(s) on 1st week of school will be finalised and will let you guys know asap. Thank you!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Hi everyone, I am here to fill you all in with the updates/annoucements of the band!
First event coming up, shift to Seventy3. I believe most of us here are pretty excited about this right!! New music studio(BIG ONE FINALLY), new store room and last but not least, a small clubroom for us to have our small gatherings/comm meetings/etc over there. SDAR people have not confirmed with all clubs about the exact date we are able to move inside because the construction of the tiles are found to be inferior and they are reconstructing it. When Ms Faith(our band advisor) knows when can move in, she will inform us.
Second event coming up, CCA booth & CCA Fiesta. We need people to handle the booth(at least 2 at every timeslot) and I believe that had been filled up after band just now. We don't know much yet because SDAR is going to set up the booth, do the banner, do all the decorations for us this year. CCA booths and Fiesta will be held at Seventy73 if we are able to move into Seventy3 before 18th April.
Third event, Band Tune-In 2011, 23th April, Saturday. Tentative timing will be from 10.30am-4.30pm. More details will be discussed with the committee and will let the band know soon.
Band practice on the week when school start which is 18th-22th April, is on Tuesday, 19th April. 6.30pm, at the new theatre. Do take that down in your calender.
Kay Min
Saturday, 2 April 2011
This announcement is to all Committee members and Section leaders! Please gather at outside the band room NEXT MONDAY 5pm SHARP for a very important meeting. THIS IS URGENT. I NEED EVERYONE TO BE PRESENT! Thank you!
Band practices are on MONDAYS ONLY during this holidays! Attendance is complusary. If you cannot come, please SMS/let me know your reason(s). THANKS!
Kay Min