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Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Hi Band-its!
Some updates and information for everyone!
1) Band practices will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays starting from the week of 4th July! Tuesday practices are full band practices as well.
2) Sectionals can be held everyday except Sunday at our own Music Studio or rooms in Block 71(YES THE OLD STUDIO THERE AND OTHER OLD CCA STUDIOS THERE!). Block 71 operating hours are from 5pm - 10pm and Saturday 9am - 5pm. Section leaders, please take note of the timings, it will help when you are planning your sectionals. Please inform me at least 3 days earlier to hold your sectionals. The committee and I cannot fly down to open the doors for you to have sectionals if you inform us too late.
I hope you all know I am trying my best to get air-conditioned rooms for everyone to have their sectionals and not in the heat or in the open space where everyone can hear what others are playing. SECTIONALS ARE VERY IMPORTANT!
3) Water Coolers will be put up in 3-4 weeks time at Level 2, 3 and 4 of Seventy3! That is what the school told us! :)
4) Basic housekeeping rules like not leaving litters around your area still apply. I am sure you all won't throw your tissues, water bottles around your house, am I right? Just make sure when you leave the Music Studio every time, find a litter be it yours or not yours, and throw it away at the bin inside the music studio or outside the music studio. If the issue is not resolved, I will assign a section to come back on a non band day to clean the room for 30 mins, weekly. I hope we don't have to resolve to this kind of treatment. So please make sure you do your part, check whether you have left your water bottles around or tissues and dispose them as accordingly! :)
6)Ensemble performance yesterday was awesome! I would like to take the chance here once again, to thank everyone that has contributed to this performance, in a way or another. Performers, I believe we all have learnt something be it musical or life. We have once again represented Ngee Ann Poly and the school is very happy with the performance! People who did not perform for the event, please do not feel that you are not part of the band or the ensembles! Hard work had paid off, GOOD JOB EVERYONE! :) And also not forgetting members who had come down and support us, THANK YOU! :)
7) The Air-Con Issue have been settled. Air Con will only switch off after 10pm instead of 9pm. Cheers! :)
Kay Min
Monday, 27 June 2011
Hi band-its!
Music In-The-City 2011
NP Flute Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble and Brass Quintet will be performing at a stage outside Ngee Ann City later, at 7pm. I hope you all can come down to watch and give us your support!
We are playing pieces like Pink Panther, Totoro, Greeeen, Yankee Doodle, Battleship Yamato, Bengawan Solo, Rasa Sayang and a lot more pieces!
I will be at the band room after 12noon because I end my lessons at 12noon. Anyone who ends lesson already, can come to the Music Studio. Everyone who are performing must report at the Music Studio by 5.30pm. Thank you! Remember your scores, your file(to make sure scores don't fly around), your instruments, reeds, mouthpieces and accessories!
A note to all performers for the show later
I would like to thank you all for practicing so hard for this performance. When the school asked various performing arts CCAs to take up the performance, I thought of ensembles. It is like a dream came true. I hope all the 3 ensembles will still stay tight throughout as there might be an Ensemble Concert in September! Look forward towards that! :) The performance will be a presentation of all the hard work that you all put in from the previous 2 weeks! :) Let's all work hard for Pops & Classics 2011 after the concert! :) Oh ya, I am very happy that not only you all practiced the repertoire for your performance and also the P&C Repertoire! CCA Points will be rewarded to whoever who performed for this! :) IT WILL BE A GOOD SHOW! :)
To those who are constantly practicing hard for the P&C 2011, keep the good effort up and always strive for music excellence!
For those who do not come practice with a reason but didn't account to anyone, I would like to remind you all that accountability is one basic thing that everyone should have. If you cannot come for practice, please inform your Section Leader and also state the reason(s). If your Section Leader is unable to be contacted, please contact the President, Darren. His number is at the whiteboard of the Music Studio.
For those that skips practice, I would like remind you that if you are a performer for any event/concert/performance, you are responsible for the quality of music. We will not hesitate to take you out of the concert/performance/event if you constantly never attend practice.
Everyone is important in the process of making music. Everyone got their own lives to lead, but if you are part of the band, I hope you can make band as one of your priorities and attend practices religiously. Mr Tan alone cannot complete many things as he wants in a 1 full band practice. Sectionals are very important to make sure your section members know their own parts well and play together as a section. I'll arrange to book classrooms and decent venues for sectionals. SLs, please decide on your sectionals time and let me know so I can try to book for you! Section Leader is not a post for nothing, you are supposed to be leading the section hence you're the person responsible for your section. It is always a two way thing, the committee will always give their support to the section leader and the section leaders also give the committee the support!
Repertoire List for P&C 2011(not in order)
L'arlesienne Suite No.2
Hymm To The Fallen(with choir)
A Whole New World(with choir)
Crest of Honor
The LocoMotion
Let's all work hard for the upcoming POPS & CLASSICS 2011! Cheers! :)
Kay Min
Vice President & Stage Manager for NP Concert Band FY11/12
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Hellllllo band-its! Just some updates and repeat of annoucements on monday!
1) Band Day Camps
Monday(20th June 2011), Tuesday(21th June 2011)
Time to report on Monday : 9am!
More Details will be given for this!
2) Performance for Music-In-The-City 2011 by Ngee Ann City
Date : 28th June 2011, Tuesday
Time : 7pm-8pm
The stage is in the outdoor Civic Plaza( stage will have shelter) and is semi-circle in shape).
There are up to 8 microphones provided(all wired).
Ensembles that are practicing for it : Flute Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Brass Quintet
Attire for the performance for male : Black long sleeves, black pants, black long socks, black
shoes. For female : same as male, except for the shoes part. courts shoes or heels or smth. Or
if you all want, can wear black dress, nothing above knee level.. at a decent level.
We hope that the band members can drop by the area to support us on the performance
timing! :)
3) Discipline has always been bad during band practices but it is supposed to be like that? How does talking not band related stuff improves your playing? Even if you need to talk, please be considerate and WHISPER. Think as a whole. We got more than 45 people
sometimes and what happen if everyone whisper? Can Mr Tan even convey what he wants to
certain sections or the band? Best is everyone keep quiet and listens to what Mr Tan got to say. Rehearsals are not very effective because we are talking when Mr Tan is trying to guide certain section/sections. We are a Band. I hope everyone get this into their head and start thinking how to contribute to making rehearsals efficient. You should have practiced your parts before coming for full band rehearsals. SLs, please hold sectionals!
When Mr Tan finished rehearsing a piece on a day, then he changes to another piece, there
will be lots of talking as if everyone have not talked for ages. Please control and minimize the
talking so Mr Tan can start his rehearsal for another piece faster. We only have slightly more than a month to Pops&Classics 2011, VERY NEAR. Nobody wants to be the bad guy,
but honestly, this cannot go on.
Anyway, please bring your jackets/sweaters/windbreakers to band as it is cold! There
is nothing we can do about the air-cons except to run it because it needs to be 'seasoned' to make sure it is not so cold after a period of time!
On a side note, I would like to thank the 3 ensembles for coming back frequently to practice. I
appreciate the hardwork you all put in for this performance! It will mark the start of forming
ensembles in band and I hope this tradition goes on every year and year.. We never know if
big organisation people walk past on the day and appreciated our performance and contact us for other performances and gigs! You reap what you sow. The performance standard will
be the level of hardwork you put in. Keep the hard work going everyone! :)
Kay Min