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NPBAND Facebook Page
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Hi everyone!!:D...Good news! the DVDs are ready for ordering! each dvd set cost $10. Since this is almost everyone's FIRST PnC, it is recommended that you buy!:D..It's only $10! For the year 3s, it will be our FIRST and LAST PnC, so you should buy and keep a copy as memories!:D
However, there's something that is different from past years. This time round, the supplier requires the band to order a MININUM of 30 copies! So, kay min and I have came up with a compulsory number of mininum copies PER section. Here is the breakdown...
Flutes/Bassoon: min 6 copies
Clarinets: min 5 copies
Saxophone: min 4 copies
Trumpet: Min 5 copies
French horn: min 4 copies
Trombone: min 1 copy
Euphonium: min 3 copies
Tuba: min 1 copy
Percussion: min 2 copies
Section leaders, I seek your understandings and cooperation to make sure that the number of mininum copies from your section are met.
Please submit your order by next monday, 1st august, to me (eddy) by 10pm.
Money to be collected by 2nd August, Tuesday, either through face-to-face or through bank transfer by 11.59pm TO ME (EDDY) -> Bank transfer easier and better...
For bank transfer, please text or wadeva me to get my bank a/c number.:D
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding..:D If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me..:D
p.s. SLs, please acknowledge that you have read this by posting on NPBAND Fb page comment for this post. Thank you sooo much!:D
Monday, 25 July 2011
Dear band..
We have came a long way from April until the success of yesterday. I always believe the standard of music is a proof of our hard work. Everyone, give yourself a hi-five(clap)! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Tan for his patience and guidance, Committee for their hard work and commitment, Alumni for taking time of your precious schedules to come down to rehearse and guide us through, Guest players who also contributed your time to rehearse the Music with us, and every member who have put in their hard work and devoted time to attend rehearsals and sectionals.
Year1s, on the 1st practice we welcomed you all to join us and try to motivate you all to practice even harder than usual. Culture issues are bound to be different from secondary schools and the seniors are very happy that you're able to adapt and now all are doing a good job! Kudos to the Music and stay on as we shall be as a team in the music journey in NP.. Let's all look forward (and work harder) to Music Dance Festival in October and Rondeau XXVI in upcoming January! :)
Senior(s) who are performing the last time as a member like Jia Huan, Jonathan and Isabelle, we appreciate you all as much as you all love and appreciate us! Thanks for the hard work throughout the years in NP be it in studies or band! All the best in your future endeavors and do come back and visit us when you can! :)
Band practice will resume on 29th August 2011, 6pm, our Concert Band Music Studio.
Things to take note
1) All instruments to be returned for stock check by the QMs. Once it is possible to borrow, we will inform you all again.
2) Any original scores not returned back to Librarians, please contact James or Jing Wen to return it to them.
Kay Min the FB.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Hi everyone,
Few important things to take note of.
1) Reporting time for members is 12.30pm at Band room. We will put down our belongings in the band room and proceed to set up the stage as we need to put up our riser.
2) Please bring along your attire for the concert(if you don't know, please refer to the 2nd previous post) and whatever necessities that is needed for the concert(mouthpiece/cloth/water bottle/etc)
3) Please remind your friends that concert starts at 7PM and not 7.30PM. It is quite common to have concerts starting at 7.30pm and less common for concerts to start at 7pm so just give your friends or family who are attending, a reminder. =)
4) Take good care of yourselves! We are all responsible musicians and can't afford to fall sick during our concert right! Please drink more water and rest more! Sleeping early before concert will help in focus. Can see a few members falling sick/feeling sick and please get well soon! :)
5) Dinner will be provided on the concert day!
6) All instruments are to be returned when concert ends as there will be an asset check coming up. Regarding when you can borrow your instrument again, the QMs will let the SLs know and by then, please ask your SLs. I will blog about it also so don't worry!
7) ALL original scores are to be returned by 24th July, Sunday. Librarians will hunt down the SLs/SRs who have not returned the scores. Please arrange your file in order(repertoire order is at previous post, take note that first half we are playing 4 songs and locomotion is our last piece). If there is a need to reshuffle parts, SLs please plan it. Thank you.
8) Please look at your scores at home and make sure all notes are correct, rhythm are right, breath marks are there, etc etc. We are not an elementary band and if everyone put in a little more effort, the band will definitely sound better! =) SOLOISTS, please memorize your notes of your solo if not I would suggest not to stand up to prevent awkwardness. Thank you very much.
9) FULL HOUSE CONCERT! Sections worth mentioning like the Flute, Saxophone and Horns, who sold a lot a lot of tickets, *thumbs up*! Nevertheless, everyone has sold tickets as well, give yourself a virtual clap!(ok) Keep it up and we shall have another full house for Rondeau XXVI in upcoming January! :) Venue to be announced when confirmed! :)
10) Special thanks to the guest players and alumni players for taking time out of your busy schedules to come down to practice with us, guide us and play for the performance. Thank you!
11) Last but not least, Thank you everyone for putting in your hard work into committing for this concert and it will be a Success!! =)
Kay Min
Friday, 15 July 2011
Hi guys! Below is the CONFIRMED repertoire order for PnC 2011! Please take note of it. Thanks!
1) Voyage
2) L'arlesienne suite no. 2
3) Cats
4) Galop
5) Crest of Honor
6) Hymm to the Fallen(combined with choir)
7) [Choir Item - Cover the World with Love]
8) [Choir Item - Top of the World]
9) A Whole New World
10) The Loco-Motion
11) Secret item...hehe:D
Hi everyone! Some important updates to do here.
1) P&C Ticket sales.
We all know that the capacity of the MusicBox is 392 and we are still not yet sold out yet! That should not be the case! Sections like Trumpets, Trombone and Percussion, you all are given tickets and have not sold much yet. What does this reflects on the fact that you're PERFORMING as well as other members are and they have sold out and they are asking for more tickets already? If you're performing, please put in effort to sell your tickets as much as you can!
To all those who sells their tickets religiously, GOOD JOB! Keep it up and we shall fill up another concert hall(Hall is TO BE CONFIRMED)on upcoming January! :) FULL HOUSE IS A MUST!
Please remind your friends and family that concert is at 7pm not 7.30pm! Keep reminding because usually concert starts at 7.30pm.
HELLO! All unsold tickets/ tickets stubs are to be collected back on Tuesday Band Practice, 19th July 2011. This is extremely important and if your friend have not pay you the ticket money, you got to help them to pay first. We need to do some ticketing check so please, 1 ticket $6, if you return a booklet with 1 ticket, you should pay $54 to Wei Yi(TREASURER) on the spot AFTER Band practice! If not you got to borrow. Please get the money side settled and just do your part by passing your money, unsold tickets/ tickets stubs to your SLs. Thank you!
2) Hi as you all know, our welfare officer is now Jiao Jun from Flute Section! Anything related to welfare, she will contact all SLs and committee. Please do reply her emails and messages because welfare is just as IMPORTANT as roles of different committee posts!
3) P&C Tie Colour(2 cm ties!)
Clarinet - Red
Flute - Hot Pink
Bassoon & Oboe - Yellow
Saxophone - Lime Green
Trumpet - Gold
French Horn - Blue
Trombone - Purple
Euphonium - Orange
Tuba - Silver
Percussion - Still deciding
Section leaders, Jiao Jun the welfare officer will email you/text you to inform you regarding the location where cheap ties can be bought. This is a section thing, you got to collect funds from your section mates and buy the ties for them. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to purchase this ties for your section and please keep checking your emails! :)
Everyone please do your part by arranging your scores in order(refer to the previous post regarding Order of repertoire) IN A BLACK FILE! Thank you! - Message from the Librarians, Jing Wen and James.
5) We will be starting our remaining rehearsals at MusicBox, level 3 of Block 73, starting from next practice onwards.
Report location : Concert Band Music Studio #04-03
Destination : Seventy3's MusicBox #03-01
Report at the band room at 5pm and earlier if possible and we will start to move the percussion, the stands, the chairs, our instruments down to MusicBox. Only big instruments like Tuba, Baritone Saxophone, Euphonium, Tenor Saxophone and Percussion can be left at MusicBox after rehearsal. Tuba, Euphonium, Tenor and Baritone saxophonists, please bring your cases down to MusicBox to store. If you're part of the band, I believe everyone should make an effort to rush to the band room after lessons if you're not having any important things on, to facilitate this shift. The faster we shift, the earlier we can start our practice. Music Stands and Chairs are to be left on MusicBox itself too. Thank you!
Gentle Reminder, bring your saliva bins along too! :)
6) Everyone, concert is coming really soon. Please take care of your instruments, maintain it well so we can use it smoothly without any troubles.
7) Last but not least,
Attire for Male : Black long sleeves top, Black pants(not jeans), black long socks, black shoes.
Attire for Female : Same as guys but court shoes or heels.
And of course, with your respective tie that your SL bought for you.
Section badges are welcomed. :)
3 practices left! Work hard everyone!
Signing off,
Kay Min
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Hi everyone!
Some information I would like to brief you
1) P&C repertoire in order
In order
1) Voyage
2) L'arlesienne suite no. 2
3) Cats
4) Galop
5) The Loco-Motion
6) Crest of Honor
7) Hymm to the Fallen(combined with choir)
8) [Choir Item]
9) [Choir Item]
10) A Whole New World(finale)
11) Secret item hehe
2) Concert is in less than 20days, please work harder for the concert!! I'm sure you won't want your friends to pay and watch a bad concert right?
4) Section leaders or section representatives, please quickly send me the FULL NAMES of the performers for P&C. Denote Guest players or Alumni if they is. BY THIS THURSDAY! If never send me, no names will be printed for your section!
5) Section leaders, please also hold sectionals for your members as I can see that most of us are not prepared for the concert. I will like to state it here first, UNLESS YOUR SECTION CAN PLAY VERY VERY WELL, VERY IN TUNE, PURE CHORDS, RHYTHM, TONE COLOUR, BALANCE WITHIN SECTION, VERY TOGETHER, then you CAN say your section don't need sectionals. BUT IF ANY OF IT YOU CAN'T DO IT, please approach me and let me know when are you going to have sectionals early so I can arrange rooms for you all.
6) Water coolers ARE UP AND GOING! It is located besides the toilets at level 4! :)
7) We will move our instruments, percussion, music stands down to Music Box on 18th July, that will be our 1st band practice on the concert week! The Music Box have been booked for that week. Cheers! Details will be up soon!
8)EVERYONE PLEASE BRING YOUR BLACK FILE TO PUT IN YOUR MUSIC SCORES! There will be a file check on Thursday, 7th July 2011(Seventh Night of July)! Original scores won't be given out unless urgent/necessary. SLs are to photocopy scores and make sure everyone have their own set of scores. Thanks!
Kay Min