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Monday, 26 September 2011

Hi everyone,
Some information to take note of.
Next Monday(3 October) will have no band practice and practices for next week is 4th October(Tuesday) and 6th October(Thursday). Do refer back to the previous post.. the 17th October week, practices are on Tuesday and Thursday too. Above is the poster for A Musical Sojourn, for your information only.
Confirmed Repertoire for Arts Fest Concert in order
Lively Avenue March ( Singapore Premiere )
Theatre Music
Irish Tune from County Derry
Big Band Signatures
Music from the Beatles
Abba Gold
Michael Jackson: Through The Years
Ties for A Musical Sojourn will be same as Pops'N'Classics 2011!
Clarinet - Red
Flute - Hot Pink
Bassoon & Oboe - Yellow
Saxophone - Lime Green
Trumpet - Gold
French Horn - Blue
Trombone - Purple
Euphonium - Orange
Tuba - Silver
Percussion - Pink
Attire for A Musical Sojourn , will also be the same as P&C 2011, section badges are welcomed!
I believe most of the members will already have the ties with you all because you all performed for P&C 2011. For members who don't have the ties, please inform Kay Min(me) directly. I'm contactable at 98346952. For sections that has alumni and guest players inside, please, as a section, pay for them because the alumni and guest players have been taking time off their busy schedule to come down to guide and perform with us. This is one way we all should do, to appreciate their kind efforts. It is $5 per tie so please let me know how many ties you need as a section so I can go purchase for you all. Thank you!
Soon, we will get excuse letter for 25th October, lessons from 3pm will be excused. When the committee is done with the letters, we will pass it to the members ASAP and please pass it to your lecturer/school office one week before 25th October 2011.
Please invite all your friends/family to the concert! Start promoting!
Kay Min
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Hi everyone,
Some information to update the band.
Updates of Rehearsal Schedule for Arts Fiesta Concert, LOFT, ATTIRE
I would like everyone to take note that our rehearsal schedule is confirmed as below stated.
September + October
22 Sept(Thursday) 4 October(TUESDAY)
26 & 29 Sept(Monday and Thursday)
4 October and 6 October(TUESDAY and Thursday)
10 & 13 October(Monday and ThursdayThursday)
18 & 20 October(Tuesday and Thursday)
24 October(Rehearsal at MusicBox)
Time : 6pm
Location : Concert Band Studio@73-04-03 unless otherwise stated.
I would like everyone to take note that instead of 3rd and 17th October, there is a slight change to the 2 days as Mr Tan is not able to make it for combine. Hence we have arranged for that 2 specific weeks to be changed to 4th and 18th October. Time and venue of rehearsal remains the same except for 24 October.
On 24 October, we will shift the chairs, percussion, our saliva bins, stands, instruments, accessories and everything else down to MusicBox for our rehearsal. Our rehearsal time is the same(6pm-9.30pm) however shifting all our stuff down will take some time(1 hour and more). To make sure rehearsal can start on time, I would like all members who finish school early(before 5pm) to go to the Band Studio to help out. MusicBox will open from 3pm onwards on 24 October to let me us put all our stuff.
The band room will be opened at 4pm latest by anyone in the committee for everyone after school can come help to shift the stuff down to MusicBox. More information about timeline for 25 October will be released soon..
I would like to say something about shifting. Big sections like percussion that has a lot to shift because you got a lot of instruments, please be punctual to shift your section. The band members will definitely help as much as we can. One point I hope everyone understands, we are shifting all the chairs/stands/everything to make sure our rehearsal starts on time, so please do not take your own time on the day. We should be able to leave our bulky instruments(tubas, euphoniums, baritone & tenor saxophone and trombones) at the back stage after our rehearsal on 24 October.
If anyone cannot make it for shifting on the day, please inform your SL so he/she knows.
LOFT for Arts Fiesta Concert is booked! We have almost the whole band staying over LOFT and we will have more than enough apartments for LOFT so don't worry about accommodation. I will be passing a Indemnity Form to the people who are staying LOFT, by 29 September 2011. Remember to get your parent's signature and fill it up and return it to your SL by latest 6th October 2011.
ONE IMPORTANT THING TO TAKE NOTE because I made a change to the booking days for LOFT. Instead of 25th October check in to 27th October check out, I booked it from 24th October to 27th October. Meaning after our last rehearsal at Musicbox on 24th October, we can stay at LOFT already. It might be easier for some of us I thought so I just booked it like that. It is not compulsory to stay on 1st(24th October Night) and the last night(26th October Night). I just booked until 27th October because I thought it would be good to have no time limit to wake up on 26th October.
Another thing, we have to start preparing for Rondeau XXVI straight away after Arts Fiesta because we do not have much time left for Rondeau XXVI. We are only left with 8-10weeks after Arts Fiesta to Rondeau XXVI! Whether band practices resume on 27th Oct which is straight away after Arts fiesta Concert or 31th October, the committee and Mr Tan will discuss and inform you guys again.
Regarding Attire for Arts Fiesta Concert, it would be SAME as P&C 2011. Full black for male and female. Black Long Sleeves, Black long pants, Black long socks(long socks please if not when you sit down and your pants slightly goes up and see your leg and it won't be a nice sight), Black Shoes.
EFNAK Award Presentation Dinner
The band is invited to perform at this high class dinner on 28th October 2011. The school is quite happy with the ensemble shows we put up during June, the Music-In-The-City 2011 Performance, and they would like just one ensemble to perform 1-2 pieces of music that would last for 5-7mins. I would like to give this opportunity out to all sections and see whether any sections are interested in this event. The diners are people from Ngee Ann Kongsi(the school's major funder and of course one of our cca's funders too). Ms Faith, our CCA advisor strongly encourages a ensemble from band to perform for this event because for the past few years it has been a lot of Chinese music and it would be good to let the diners get exposed to different music genre.
Date : 28th October
Venue : Convention Centre(mikes will be provided don't worry)
Attire : Formal(Full black will be good)
Interested? Please inform your SL and SLs, we shall work things out!
Recruitment Drive 2011
This idea was thought out by one of our alumni, Keith. We all know that as a year 1/2 who missed joining the band during CCA Fiesta, he/she might thinks that he/she got to wait for one more year to join the band.
The purpose of the Recruitment Drive is to let the music-loving students of NP who still have not joined the band to join us! RD 2011 posters will be pasted around the school AFTER ARTS FIESTA CONCERT and onto the school website soon hopefully(idea brought up to school, waiting for school approval to put on the NP's main website).
The Main Committee have decided to get two of our own capable year 1s, Kimberly and Pei Shan(not Jolyn! because there's 2 Pei Shan in the same section) to help us out with this project. Band, if you all have friends who want to join the band, please get them to wait after our Arts Fiesta Concert(you can ask them to come for the concert too, heh its just $5!) to join us! We will share more information regarding this project asap! :)
Christmas-In-The-City 2011(ensemble performance!)
Right now I do not have much information except dates and rough information, still waiting for school to send email but I think it is good to inform you all first.
Dates : 19th Dec and 20th Dec, however Music Groups are scheduled to perform on 19th Dec so performance will be on 19th Dec if we are performing.
Theme of songs : Christmas songs/ caroling songs/ somewhere around the christmas theme :)
Location : A Sheltered Stage Platform outside Ngee Ann City(same location as where we performed during Music-In-The-City 2011)
Time : 7pm or 8pm++ , to be confirmed but confirm in evening!
Attire : Santa Claus suit!!(just joking!) We can be fun in our attire but still formal, we can decide this later!
CCA points have or not ah? Definitely have! :)
Sections that can form up ensembles, do think about this event! Good exposure and experience you will gain! I am promoting all these because I hope the band can take this chance to improve your musicality and standards.. Don't worry as long as you all show interest, the school will support us as much as they can! Scores wise, we can try to purchase it if we still have money and the most important thing is commitment, if you confirm can commit to practice, we can request the school to buy the score! :)
SLs, please let me know as early as you can if your section wants to take this up. We can definitely try to work some ways to make this event a success =)
JC Poly Band Festival 2011
Yes, it is the time of year where this festival takes place again..
Date of the festival : 7 - 12 December 2011(there is no rehearsals on 11 December)
Concert will be held at : Singapore Conference Hall
Rehearsals will be held at National Institute of Education. There is band rooms over there for rehearsals.
This Festival that JC and Poly Band members can join, is organised annually by Wind Bands Association of Singapore(WBAS). JCPBF has a long history behind it and this year is it's 11 years going!
This year's programme will include an overseas guest conductor(not sure whether is it just one or a couple of overseas conductor, WBAS still confirming) who will be conducting all festival bands. More information on conductors and programme of the festival will be announced soon.
There will be big festival 3 bands every year. This year, there will be no audition to get into the Festival. However, right now, for members who does not have Common Tests at all(on intern/FYP/some reason you don't have CTs at all) and you want to join the festival, please contact me directly. This festival serves as a centre point where all tertiary level musicians can get together, sit down, make some music and perform as a festival band and still showcase a high level of music!
When does rehearsals start? Ans : On 1st day of festival. However scores for every musician involved will be sent to the respective email of the musician 2-3 weeks before the Festival begins for sight-reading purposes.
Why is there 3 bands ah, like so many sia? Ans : There will be a lot of tertiary musicians from all around Singapore that will join this festival hence WBAS found out that 3 bands is suitable.
How can 3 bands rehearse at one place, siao ah!? Ans : NIE has a couple of sound-proof band rooms and it is the ideal spot where a lot a lot people have sectionals/band practice there..
Why now only students with no CTs can join?! Ans : The whole festival is at our CT period, so NP is very particular about letting students to go JCPBF every year. The concert day is a Monday and people will have CT so the school is worried. We will work out to see how every interested member can go..
A lot of things about the Festival is still To-Be-Confirmed like festival programme, who is the guest conductor(s) all these.. Dates of festival and Concert is confirmed.
For more information, please ask me and I'll try to answer with as much knowledge I know..
Just a gentle reminder, there is band practice this thursday 6pm @ Concert Band Studio!
That's all for now.. Very long blog post! Thanks for spending time reading!
Kay Min
Saturday, 10 September 2011
HI everyone! Just some information about the Arts Fest Concert and procedures to be done
1) Repertoire for Arts Fest Concert in orderLively Avenue March
Theatre Music
Irish Tune from County Derry
Big Band Signatures
Music from the Beatles
Abba Gold
Michael Jackson: Through The Years
SLs, please arrange your parts so to avoid confusion and last minute changing of parts. And also, please approach Jingwen or James to get the original scores to photocopy for your section mates! Thank you! FILE CHECK DATE TO BE CONFIRMED! :)
Date of Concert : 25th October 2011
Time of Concert : 7pm
Venue : MusicBox@Seventy3!
Tickets* going at $5 per ticket! Let's make this concert a FULL HOUSE again so please start promoting! Facebook event will be created soon and we will strive to make this concert a success again! :)
*will be distributed to band members when the design and printing is done
2) I have checked the website for LOFT for the week of the concert. 26th October is Deepavali Holiday so we have no school! I will be booking from 25 October to 27 October(book out of LOFT). I want to know how many people are interested to stay over at LOFT after concert. A good point to mention, you don't need to worry what time to go home on 26th October since I booked it until 27 October. :) So... Please SMS/inform your SL whether you are interested in LOFT or not so I can plan the amount of apartments to book. Please do it ASAP! :)
3) Purpose of Band Fund
The purpose of band fund is for the welfare of the band and keep the band running. Band fund is needed to pay & give claims for items that are necessary for the band. Such as some accessories (e.g. bins to collect saliva) and stationery the QMs need to maintain the cupboard and cleanliness of the band. Also, to pay for gifts to conductor/ guests during concert. In addition, printing of some scores (including ensemble scores).
Note: The band fund collected will not be spent unnecessarily. Money/claims will only be given upon receiving an invoice/receipt. No receipt/ invoice shown, no claims/money will be given to that person. This is to protect members who have contributed to the band fund.
I thank everyone who had paid the band fund from the past until now. For those who has not paid up the band fund, please pay up as soon as possible to your SL. Thank you!
Next event will be Rondeau XXVI Camp, it will be during december holidays. More details to be confirmed. Good news : LOFT is already booked! :)
Next event after Rondeau XXVI Camp, will be our end of year concert, RONDEAU XXVI!
It will be held at Yong Siew Toh Conversatory Of Music Concert Hall this time round, 7.30pm on 15th January 2012(Sunday)! It will be ticketed! Please share and tell your family and friends to book out this date to join us in this musical evening! More information will be shared asap :)
Practices are on Mondays and Thursdays 6pm at 73-04-03! Attendance is compulsory unless you have reason(s). If you know you are performing, please be committed. It isn't fair to those who always attend practices. If you have reasons, please tell your SLs. SLs, please inform me and Nicolette about the reason(s) why your section mate(s) has/have not been attending! Thank you and just to side track a little, PLEASE KEEP THE BAND ROOM CLEAN AND NEAT! Have a nice day!
SLs, please send the faces of your section members in soft copy by Monday! Thank you! :)
Kay Min
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Hi guys!
Below are the mp3s for Pops & CLassics 2011. Enjoy!
L'arlésienne Suite No. 2:
Crest of Honour:
Hymn to The Fallen:
A Whole New World:
Loco Motion:
Lady Gaga:
Hawaii Five O:
After listening to our P&C2011 recordings, I believe everyone has different opinions on the recordings. The recording is a proof of our hard work! There are still a lot areas to work on and let's work hard for the upcoming Arts Festival concert and Rondeau XXVI! Let's do your best and show it for Arts Fest Concert again! Cheers! =)
Kay Min
Credits to Leonard Teo(Saxophone Alumni) for helping the band to do audio recording =)