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Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Hi everyone,
A very big thank you to Mr Tan, guest and alumni players for helping out in preparation of the concert/playing for the concert. Also to the committee and our band advisor who worked hard for this concert. Last but not least, to everyone who worked very hard to prepare for this concert, THANK YOU!
75% Attendance Policy for RONDEAU XXVI = minimum attend 15/20 rehearsals for RONDEAU
I have mentioned about this policy on the 19th October Blog post but I will mention it again. Starting from 27th October to 15th January 2011(Rondeau XXVI), as of the rehearsal schedule, there is only 20 rehearsals(including 27th October) left. If you are sick or you have lessons at 6pm to >8pm on band day(s), please produce a photocopied MC, and pass it to me for records, or send me your timetable in soft copy via email. Please approach me for my email! One thing to remind you all, if you don't perform, you will not get cca points, your only CCA points will come from semester points as Attendance only and you don't attend practices, you won't have CCA points at all. Of course, one shouldn't do things for the sake of doing thing, play music for the sake of cca points. It is not fair to the people in band if you fall below 75% attendance and you are performing. If you are late for 1 hour or more, please inform your SL why you are late if not you will be taken as absent as well. Please remember to sign your attendance every time after band practice. This policy applies to Main Band members only.
Rehearsal Schedule, please refer to 19th October 2011 Blog post as I already posted it there! Thank you!
1st Practice for RONDEAU XXVI, 27th October 2011, 6pm, see you all later!! :)
Monday, 24 October 2011
Hi, as promised, the CONFIRMED TIMELINE for Musical Sojourn 25th October.
2pm : Able to leave classes but if you don't want to leave classes at 2pm, you can leave latest at 2.45pm so you can report at 3pm.
3pm : Report @ Band Room with everything needed and go Dress up and eat dinner.
- Dinner will arrive at the tables outside Munch(the same area we ate at, for P&C 2011), at 4.15pm. Do report there to have your dinner at around that timing.
5pm : Individual warm-up/Tuning/Practice [Music Box for Percussion section & Band room for others but some sections would like to go musicbox to warm up it is fine too if there is still space]
5.45pm : Report at Music Box with scores and instrument(s).
6pm - 6.30pm : Final Rehearsal with Mr Tan
6.30pm - 6.45pm : All band members at backstage
- 6.40pm, Concert Door will open.
7pm : Concert starts
8pm - 8.15pm : Shifting everything(Chairs, Percussion, Instruments, Stands) from MusicBox back to Band Room.
Whatever time we finished shifting EVERYTHING, DISMISS!
Kay Min
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Hi everyone,
A few information to pass around.
Regarding the concert day timeline I have posted in the previous post, it is not confirmed and by around 12noon tomorrow(24th October) it will be confirmed and I will post it here.
2) For people staying at LOFT from 1st Night onwards, if you want to put your luggage/bags at LOFT, please do it by the time span of 2pm-2.45pm. At 2pm, I will know which apartments are we assigned for. I WILL MESSAGE ALL SLs REGARDING WHICH APARTMENTS we are allocated for. Picking of rooms, please do it after practice as we will be involved in the shifting of instruments and tmr will be hectic day for us.
For those who putting bags at LOFT at 2pm-2.45pm.
Step 1 : Contact your SL and ask which are the apartments allocated.
Step 2 : Proceed to the 7 Apartments we have, and put your stuff at any 1 of them FIRST, after band practice then go back settle rooms. Then proceed to band room to help with the shifting of stuff.
Si Hui will check in to the 7 LOFT Apartments at 2.15pm~ she will be the in-charge there and will be liasing with me always. THANKS SIHUI!
3) After your lesson, please proceed to band room to put your stuff and help out the shifting. If chairs, stands, percussion are shifted already, just quickly set up your instrument and proceed to MusicBox. A reminder, everyone is part of the concert so I would like to seek cooperation for everyone to proceed to band room to help with the shifting so we can start our rehearsals as on time as possible. It is for the GOOD of the band.
4) SALIVA BINS, SCORES, WARM UP SCORES are to be brought down to our Musicbox rehearsal tomorrow and BRING IT BACK UP to the band room after rehearsal ends tomorrow. And also, please keep all scores neatly and make sure all scores are kept neatly in file! Please take good care of the warm up scores too!
OVERALL I-C is ME. Anything please text/call me at 9834 6952.
Kay Min
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Hi everyone, a few updates to share with you all..
1) THERE IS DINNER PROVIDED on the concert day(25th October).
2) Timeline on 25th October
2pm : Leave Class
2.15pm : Assemble in Band Room @ Seventy3
- Set up and warm up in Band Room
2.45pm : Assemble in MusicBox @ Seventy3
3.00pm : Final Rehearsal with Mr Tan
5.00pm : Dress up & Dinner at the area outside Munch
6.15pm : Assemble at Music Box's back stage
- Final Tuning
6.45pm : Concert Door Opens
7.00pm : Concert Starts
8.00pm : Concert Ends
8.15pm : Finish shifting all itmes back to Music Studio.
- Instruments to be packed in cases by then and Band Studio and Store Room must be neat.
8.20pm : You are free to go after all instruments, percussion, stands, files and chairs are back and arranged neatly in the band room.
A gentle reminder, everyone, after concert, please ask your family and friends to wait outside the concert hall awhile so everyone can shift back the instruments and percussion back to the band room neatly. I understand all the pictures taking and meet up with friends are very important but all can afford to wait 15mins I believe. If everyone put efforts into stacking up the chairs, put stands into the trolleys for stands and push them up to the band room, keeping of instruments, settle the band room until it is back into rehearsal condition.. all these can be done quite quickly if everyone put in effort.
3) Tickets Sale
Please keep promoting the concert and everyone should at least sell 5 tickets ok!! You put in hardwork and you want your friends to hear it so please keep selling! Next day is Deepavali so most of the people should be able to come!! This is a fund raising concert for President Star Charity so please do ask adults to come join us too(can target lecturers!)! I believe all of us won't want to perform to empty hall so please sell! Ask your classmates along also because location wise, it is just in school! $5!
4) LOFT(24th to 27th October, Monday(2pm check in) - Thursday - (9am check out) )
Si Hui will help me to check in LOFT at 2pm on the 24th October so people who want to put your luggage at LOFT before going for the final rehearsal at 6pm at Musicbox, please let me know on this coming thursday's rehearsal so we can work things out better. A suggestion, the best time to put your luggage at LOFT on 24th October before rehearsal is 2.30-3.30pm then after that go Band Room to move your instruments, percussion, stands, chairs and go for dinner and start rehearsal on time.
Please refer to the recent posts on the blog regarding the Gate Lock at the Bridge connecting NP Campus to LOFT. If you know you will be returning to LOFT after 11pm, please go through KISMISS Guardhouse. And to those people who didn't pass me the LOFT indemnity form, the guards at KISMISS Guardhouse will stop you from going into LOFT and you wouldn't be able to stay there.
This information is for people who are staying until 27th October. On the 27th October, Henry will help to do the check out at 9am so all apartments got to be cleared by 9am. Thank you!
5) JC POLY Band Fest 2011
I regret to inform you all that the practices for the festival totally clashes with our school curriculum time hence we are all unable to participate in this festival. Let's all hope next year will be better! :)
6) We have 20 full band practices to RONDEAU XXVI as from 27th October. 27th October will be our first practice for RONDEAU.
Rondeau XXVI Full Band Rehearsal Dates
October - 27th(Thurs), 31th(Monday)
November - 3rd(Thurs), 10th(Thursday), 15th(Tuesday), 17th(Thursday), 21th(Monday), 22th(Tues), 24th(Thurs), 28th(Monday), 29th(Tuesday)
December - 1st(Thursday) then we will break for Common Tests. 19th Dec(Monday, 1st day of band camp, also resuming of band practice after CT), 20th(Mr Tan will come down for full band during our band camp), 27th(Tuesday, normal full band practice)
January 2012 - 3rd(Tuesday), 5th(Thursday), 9th(Monday), 10th(Tuesday), 12th(Thurs)
Any more rehearsals to be added, we will inform you all as early as we confirm it.
The Committee have decided to implement a system whereby the comm will monitor each band member's attendance in band and if one falls below 75%, he or she will NOT get to perform for RONDEAU XXVI. The minimum number of practices every performing member have to ATTEND for RONDEAU XXVI is 15. If you cannot attend full band rehearsal, please approach Darren/Kay Min directly and tell us the reason why. We will accept it if it is very reasonable. This is very important because we ONLY have 20 rehearsals LEFT to RONDEAU XXVI and time is running out. The committee will start counting from the 1st Rehearsal for RONDEAU XXVI which is on 27th October 2011. We seek our cooperation in making all our concerts a success!
7) Post Rondeau XXVI Chalet
The Committee is in the midst of planning a chalet(trying to book bungalow kind, VERY BIG, can fit whole band) on the 2-4 March 2012 hence just block out the dates! Thank you!
Kay Min
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Hi everyone, some words and annoucements I would like to repeat in case you never heard it or might forget.
1) For Guest Players and Alumni Players, they are not needed to wear the ties. Sections that has guests or alumni players inside, SLs please kindly let them know of the full black attire and they do not have to wear ties. =)
2) I know 25th October might not be a friendly date but at least 26th October is public holiday! I believe all of us would not like to perform to a 1/4 filled or half filled hall so do I! We put in hard work and we want others to hear our hard work! Please push sales!! :)
3) 1st Ticket sales collection will be on Thursday, after band practice so please bring along your money if you have sold tickets! If you are planning to reserve tickets for your friends and put outside door, it must be paid reserved tickets. You can get your friends to pay you after concert or smth :)
4) Reminder, for the 1st week of school, there is only one full band rehearsal which will be on 20th October. I strongly remind everyone to..
Practice your parts before coming for full band
Punctual for rehearsal
Proactive in rehearsal(don't know anything, just ask)
We are all young adults so please be musically responsible and I don't wish to talk about this again..
5) Repeating QM's Announcement, instruments are able to be borrowed home to practice. Please approach Si Yuan/Hazmei to borrow them. Thank you! :)
6) Band Tee/Jackets designs, if anyone would like to design the band tee for NPCB, please submit your design(s) to me via my email at and I can take a look through! Do make your vote at the band's facebook page!
7) Sectionals Practice
Trumpet Section - 9am - 12noon on 12th October(Wednesday)
Horn Section - 10am - 1pm on 15th October(Saturday)
Anymore sections that wants sectionals? If want, SLs please inform me asap! Thank you!
If you know you haven been practicing enough for the concert and would like the room to be opened for individual practices, please find me and let me know. I will try to arrange.
8) Discipline during rehearsal
I notice some people are talking non-stop in rehearsal and only quiet when you are playing your instruments. When Mr Tan is rehearsing other section(s), does it mean that you can talk/chit chat or is it a sign for people to start talking? Is there really a need to talk when you're in band except focusing on the music and putting your heart into the music? Rumors going around saying poly people not disciplined in music just because we are poly students.. I hope everyone will NOT be the rumor and please be more focused. Mr Tan is repeating things over and over again. When you all want to get a point to other people, would you all like to repeat the information over and over again? If there is really a need to talk/laugh, why talk and laugh so loudly while you can always whisper softly or reply the person after band? This is all basic discipline and this is the 2nd time I am saying this. Are we making the rumors true? This doesn't only apply to people who talks excessively/messages excessively, but to people who does that in band, think twice whether are we undisciplined musicians or are we not. Sounded harsh but if no one wants to be the bad guy to say it, someone will have to be the bad guy.
Last but not least,
Thanks band-its for putting a lot of efforts into the concert and keep putting in more efforts! Last week of holidays, do enjoy the remaining of the holidays and remember to come for band practice(s)! :)
Kay Min
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Hi everyone,
For the TIE details, please refer to the previous post. The information is updated today.
Regarding Rehearsal Schedule,
Mr Tan will be overseas on 18th October hence we will only have practice on 20th October on the week when school reopens. Please take note of that. One practice per week isn't enough, please make time to come back for sectionals if you know you are not of performance standard yet. SLs, do arrange sectionals and let me know when you need the room.
Last 5 rehearsals, please try not to be late for any practices!
6th October, 6pm
10th October, 6pm
13th October, 6pm
20th October, 6pm
24th October, 6pm(please report at band room as early as you can because we need to shift our instruments, percussion, chairs, stands down, band room and MusicBox will be opened at 3pm)
25th October, Final rehearsal, 3pm starts. The school will issue out letters for main band members to be excused from lessons after 2pm and everyone must report at Musicbox by 2.30pm, earlier is fine but not later.
A reminder for LOFT-stayers, our 24th October rehearsal will end at 9.30pm and if you all would like to stay LOFT on the 24th October Night, feel free to do so because I already confirmed several apartments for us to stay in from 24th to 27th. Cheers!
There is a GATE at the bridge linking NP Campus to LOFT, and the GATE is locked from 11pm to 6.30am daily hence everyone who wants to return to LOFT after 11pm, you can only get back in via the Kismiss Guardhouse.
FILE CHECK tomorrow after band, please arrange your scores neatly in a black file, thank you!
Please return the instrument(s) you borrowed by 6th October which is tomorrow, because there will be an Asset Check on 10th October and when instruments are available for borrowing, we will inform you guys. Please do not mix instruments with different cases, it is hard to track the asset numbers with the instrument's serial number so please don't make life difficult for our Quartermasters and would really appreciate if everyone maintains their instruments well! Concert is coming, do take good care of your instruments!
Tickets are ready to be issued out tomorrow, let's make sure we sell out the concert again! :) SLs, please do not be absent without any valid reason as you will be the one collecting the tickets for your section.
Last but not least, my committee and I would like to thank everyone for putting their hard work in whatever position they are in, into Musical Sojourn. Be it practicing hard, coming band practices religiously, etc etc.. Thank you and let's make it a SUCCESS!
COUNT DOWN : 20 DAYS TO A Musical Sojourn! 19 more days soon!
Kay Min
Monday, 3 October 2011
Hi everyone,
Some information to confirm and take note.
For amount of new ties,
Flute - 2 ( Hot Pink)
Trumpet - 3 ( Gold )
Tuba - 1 ( Silver )
Percussion - 1 ( Pink )
Tie information UPDATED on 5th October 2011
SLs, please confirm with me the number of new ties. If my information here is wrong, please contact me and correct me!
Mr Tan is conducting SAF Central Band on 23th October 2011 at Esplanade's Beautiful Sunday series. Concert is at 3pm, repertoire is filled with jazz pieces! A concert not to be missed and of course we should support our beloved conductor right! Here is the event invitation for your information, It is a free concert. Hope everyone can attend, there are people who are performing for Musical Sojourn inside performing too(Han Yong, Isabelle, Jash and couple more I believe!)
I would like to thank the alumni and guest players for taking time off their busy schedules to come back for rehearsals with the Main Band and performing with us! Thank you for coming back to tutor us also! Main Band is very appreciative of your efforts as well so thank you once again!
There is no practice on 3rd October(today) hence see you all tomorrow(4th October) at 6pm!
7 MORE FULL BAND PRACTICES TO A Musical Sojourn! Something to take note, please come band prepared for full band rehearsal instead of individual practice. Individual practices should be done at home/somewhere before coming to full band rehearsals if not full band rehearsals will not be so effective as what it can be. Thank you!
SLs, please continue to hold sectionals, thank you and let's make A Musical Sojourn SUCCESS!
For the 28th October short ensemble performance, the EFNAK Cheque Presentation Ceremony(high class event), our NPCB Saxophone Quartet have taken it up. Thank you and keep practicing!
For Christmas-In-The-City 2011 performance, I have heard Flute Ensemble, Saxophone ensemble, Horn trio/ensemble expressing their interests in this performance. Other sections that would like to perform, please let me know and start planning for the music! If you want more information about this event, please scroll down to the recent posts, I did post a chunk of information so please refer.
Commitment is the word when we perform. If no commitment, no performance, as simple as that. We don't want last minute players to pop up from nowhere and say he/she want to perform. You don't commit, you don't perform. It isn't fair to people who attend practices religiously and he/she only come for last few practices and get to perform. Hope everyone can come to this common understanding, thank you!
Kay Min