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NPBAND Facebook Page
Monday, 23 January 2012
Hi everyone!
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their hardwork for Rondeau XXVI. Although tickets sales could have been better, but still great job! And also, I would like to take this chance to thank the year 3s for their presence in NP Band for the past 3 years! I hope that Rondeau XXVI/2011 would be a memorable year for you all as year3s. I also want to thank a few people in particularly, Henry, for being there for me and the band when the comm need help, Eddy, for being the stage manager despite after stepping down in 2011, Si Hui & Yan Ting, for being my 'welfare' officers during camps and concerts! And SLs for helping the committee out by transmitting information and getting things done! AND EVERYONE, for contributing to the music, attending practices religiously and punctually. And ensembles like Saxophone Quartet/Ensemble, Flute ensemble, Brass Quintet, etc, I thank you all for the performances in 2011 and I hope we all perform more in 2012!
Special Thanks to Mr Tan, Main Committee of AY2011/12 and Ms Faith Leo for the hardwork in deciding music for every concert, preparing us for every concert, facilitating every concert smoothly, working closely with our Advisor Ms Faith Leo! Ms Faith has been our CCA Advisor for a couple of years along and she has always work hard to provide the band with great opportunities, ideas and making things work! Thank you Ms Faith!
To Alan and Sebastian(President & Vice President of NP Alumni Band), thank you for working with us for Rondeau XXVI and previous Rondeaus! I believe that the new committee will work even better than the old committee(my batch) and we will strive for more success from the Alumni & Main Bands!
Secondly, this year, we will be participating in Singapore International Band Festival(SIBF), Division 1. Music will be decided by Mr Tan soon and will inform everyone. For more information about this festival, please visit
Thirdly, Band practices will resume on 5th March 2012 and we will start preparing for the competition and events.
Fourthly, FOR THE DVD ORDERS. Only some sections have replied me! Please reply me asap and payment must be done to your SL asap and SLs you are supposed to pay me on Thursday, 26th January! Please text me and meet me to pay me! Thank you! For Sections who haven't collate their orders, SLs please collect the number and text me as well! Thank you!
Flute : 6 orders(PAID)
Clarinet : 9 orders(PAID)
Saxophone : 7 orders(PAID)
Trumpet : 1(PAID)
French Horn : 5(PAID)
Trombone : 1(PAID)
Euphonium : 2(PAID)
Tuba : 1(PAID)
Percussion : 4(PAID)
Alumni : 2(PAID)
This is the minimum ordering number from each section. Please refer the previous blog post by Eddy for the reason and more information about the Rondeau XXVI DVD Ordering.
Flutes: min 4 copies
Clarinets: min 5 copies
Saxophone: min 4 copies
Trumpet: min 5 copies
French horn: min 4 copies
Trombone: min 2 copies
Euphonium: min 2 copies
Tuba: min 1 copy
Percussion: min 4 copies
Each DVD costs only $10!
Lastly, the new main & event committee list have already been updated in the blog, under the Committee section. The Committee of AY2011/12 have stepped down and we have enjoyed serving the band and we hope that we brought smiles to you all! =)
This is my last blog post! Ashley(VP) will take over this blog from today onwards! The player list have been edited as well! THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Kay Min :)
Friday, 20 January 2012
Dear Members of NPBAND,
The DVD for Rondeau XXVI recording is ready for ordering. Below is the MINIMUM order for each section for the DVD. Section leaders, we seek your cooperation to get the minimum copies ordered for the DVD as stated below. If you have any unhappiness with the allocation of minimum copies for your section, please direct to either Kay Min or Eddy. However, we really seek your cooperation to really get the minimum copies ordered.
The reason behind this is because we have to reach a minimum 30 copies as requested by the supplier due to the cheap rate he is charging us for this service. Therefore, please try to help us. Thank you!
Flutes: min 4 copies
Clarinets: min 5 copies
Saxophone: min 4 copies
Trumpet: min 5 copies
French horn: min 4 copies
Trombone: min 2 copies
Euphonium: min 2 copies
Tuba: min 1 copy
Percussion: min 4 copies
I believe everyone will agree that Rondeau XXVI is a success! The hardwork all members have put in is well deserved to be kept as a memory right? So, it's good to buy it!:D What's more, the price of 1 set is cheap too!:D
Please get back to Kay Min with the confirmed number of orders and money by Thursday, 26/1/2012. PLEASE NOTE THAT PAYMENT MUST BE MADE BY THURSDAY, 26/1/2012!
Thank you!:D
Lastly, to all chinese, Happy Chinese New Year! Enjoy!:D
On behalf of Kaymin,
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
This post is regarding LOFT and some information about the LOFT stayers for Rondeau XXVI.
LOFT IS CONFIRMED. We have 6 apartments. I have booked LOFT from Saturday to Monday.
Check-in Time on Saturday : 12noon
Check-OUT Time on Monday : 9am(meaning must wake up early to pack bags and attend school!)
Members are welcomed to join the committee to stay over on Saturday Night. Regarding allocation of apartments, we will inform you all on either Saturday or Sunday itself.
For members who are coming on Sunday, please come at 10.30am like that to put your belongings and stuff at LOFT. Thanks!
I typing out the people who have replied the facebook question/told me personally that they are staying LOFT.
Flute : Jia Yi, Samantha, Si Hui, Wei Yi, Jia Hui
Clarinet : Ashley, Bing Hong, Si Yuan, Chee Yuan, Kimberly
Saxophone : Eddy, Yvonne, Henry, Dulcia, Hazmei
Trumpet : Jun Jie, Joey, Wen lu, Ranald, Shi lee, Terence
Horn : Gary Lim, Yan Ting, James
Trombone :
Euphonium : Jolyn, Jing Wen, Darren
Tuba : Kay Min
Percussion : MingHao, Gary Koh
Is there anymore people that would like to stay LOFT? Please approach me personally or find me tomorrow before/after band practice. :)
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Hi everyone,
Some important announcements and reminders.
1) I have collated the number of black ties for each section as to what the SL have told me.
Clarinet : 3
Saxophone : 1
Trumpet : 4
French Horn : 2
Trombone : 1
Percussion : 6
Total : 17
A normal black tie would cost around 3-5bucks and we will give it to you by Thursday if the vendor can give us by then. So just prepare the money and pass it to ME on Thursday/Sunday.
2) Regarding NP Blazer(FOR MALE ONLY), we will inform you all when to collect it from Students Service Centre(the one at the Atrium). Just go down with your student card and approach the staff saying you would like to collect the blazer but we will inform you when can go go down. =)
3) For Rondeau XXVI Day, please report at 11.15am @ Band room and we will have to move out our percussion, our instruments(all instruments have to be in case), all accessories needed for all sections(oils,reeds,instrument stands, etc etc). <-- SL please remind your members and yourself to bring the stuff.
A very simple personal 'packing' list for Rondeau XXVI Day Itself
Your scores(in black file, arranged neatly)
Your attire
Your instrument/instrument accessories(like personal reeds, mouthpieces)
We do not have to bring the saliva bins and our own stands to Yong Siew Toh. =)
QMs, please take note to bring stand flags for the concert!
I would like to make it clear that all MAIN band performers have to report 11.15am and try not to be late to shift the stuff to the lorry because we have quite a lot of things to shift. Only all percussion and bulky instruments will be up the lorry. Percussionists, please report slightly earlier than 11.15 if possible because you are the percussionists who use the percussion so you all should know best on the movement of the percussion. <-- Arif, you're the SL, please take note!
After the concert ends, we will first have to shift the percussion to the loading area and then the bulky instruments like Tubas, Euphoniums, Baritone Saxophones, Trombones, Tenor Saxophones. We will see how big is the lorry and shall decide whether to put French Horns, Trumpets, Alto saxophones, on the day when we see our lorry. After shifting ALL the stuff back to the lorry, you all can proceed to take your bags and belongings and go find your family and friends and have a short(10-15mins) time with them before the bus come. The committee would really seek everyone's cooperation in the moving so that we all can finish on time and can have more time with family and friends.
4) I will attempt to book LOFT for Rondeau XXVI Day itself. Will release more details when it is confirmed, by Tuesday. If it is successful, people who are staying for Loft will probably have to come earlier on Sunday to put their stuff at LOFT(maybe at 10.30am like that)
5) Guest/Alumni Players who are playing for Main Band are to report at YST Concert Hall with all of their attire and instrument, instrument accessories & Scores at 1.30pm sharp because that is when Main Band Rehearsal starts on time. Parking is free of charge on Sundays at YST Car Park! <---- SLs, please inform your guest/alumni player(s) in your section!
6) For Alumni playing in Alumni band only, please report at 3pm at YST Concert Hall and remember to bring your attire, instrument/instrument accessories and your scores! Parking is free of charge on Sundays at YST Car Park!
7) Dinner will be provided for all main band performers, guest players, alumni players, ushers, emcees. However, please have a heavy breakfast before everyone report at 11.15am @ band room because lunch will not be provided.
8) We will take a formal band picture(sitting in concert hall) and formal & informal section photos for all sections(backstage) before Concert Hall Door are open hence everyone have to be prepared by 6.15pm.
9) There will be more than enough time for dinner and dressing up for main band members. Concert Day Schedule will be out very soon and will be uploaded to here. Thank you very much!
10) Last but not least, please remind your family and friends that CONCERT STARTS AT 7PM not 7.30pm and if possible, be early to grab for good seats because doors will open at 6.30-6.45pm(exact timing to be confirmed).
First post of the year 2012! Cheers! Happy new year!
Kay Min